Rock for Learning
Learning & empowerment to cultivate a better world together with great music and good causes.
We are excited that you are here joining us to cultivate a better world! You can make a difference with Rock for Learning. We are learning to cultivate a better world by getting self-empowered and seeking, supporting, and serving good causes while celebrating the great music that motivates and inspires us.
We invite your help to support and protect resources required for life sustenance and improved quality of life by activating your self-empowerment, sharing and helping raise awareness, and recognizing our role of stewardship for all life; with awareness together we can take effective action to support and serve the causes and celebrate the music we love.
Get active with Rock for Learning and our featured philanthropic causes! The world is facing some of the most unusual challenges in which the actions of each individual can affect the greater good. It is up to each one of us to use careful discernment and consideration equally for others as for ourselves in our choices. You can help make a difference through self-development, philanthropy, service, and kindness, and by actively participating in voting/elections, signing petitions, and being active and involved in your community speaking out and upholding fundamental values with demonstrated action. Let your voice be heard and your contributions and votes make an impact.
ACTIVATE YOUR CIVIC ENGAGEMENT & VOTING RIGHTS! For detailed election information in your state (in USA) regarding candidates and measures and election dates, visit or your Secretary of State (SOS) website. Register to vote and get active with and And please seek out and explore the many important good philanthropic causes featured here by Rock for Learning. Thanks for learning about important matters, taking empowered action, and sharing your support for great music and good causes! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Let's change the world together! Rock on! Melanie Silos, ** FEATURED CAUSES & ORGANIZATIONS ** Rock for Learning invites and encourages your to participation and support for our specially selected philanthropic and activist causes and the musicians that endorse them through purchasing their products and providing funding for their favored organizations. GET UP CLOSE WITH BECK Join 8x Grammy Award winning artist Beck and friends in support of - Warchchild Music featuring Beck, Oasis, Paul Weller, Coldplay, Keane, Sir Paul McCartney, etc., helping children of war in Ukraine and more, as well as support for and learn more about it with Rock for Learning! * * * JOIN TOGETHER TO HELP TEENS WITH CANCER WITH THE WHO The main cause of The Who/ Roger Daltrey, supported by The Who and friends, including artists such as, Oasis/Liam & Noel Gallagher-NGHFB, Johnny Marr, Paul Weller, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Florence & the Machine, Ed Sheeran, Damon Albarn, Dave Grohl, Adele, and many more through participation in the Annual TCT Benefit at Royal Albert Hall. Roger Daltrey has been a patron of Teenage Cancer Trust for over 10 years and, with Pete Townshend at his side giving his full support, has helped raise millions of pounds (and U.S. dollars) for the charities. Learn more about it and share support with The Who [HERE]. * * * TAKE ACTION WITH ANIMAL RESCUE! Please join us with Emmylou Harris and Bonaparte's Retreat and with Sarah MacLachlan and other artists and animal rescue organizations in the initiative to raise awareness and share important information for animal rescue, adoption resources, guidelines for responsible stewardship, and links for spaying/neutering and pet care.
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GET INVOLVED WITH ARTIST FOR ACTION TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE! Gavin Rossdale/Bush joins Billie Eilish, Peter Gabriel, The Pixies, Sheryl Crow, Nile Rodgers and others getting behind Artist for Action to Prevent Gun Violence, a non-political movement to help prevent future tragedies and tackle America’s gun violence epidemic with focus on addressing mental health issues. Bush lead singer, Gavin Rossdale says that staying silent about gun violence in the US makes people “complicit” in the carnage. He says, “It is beyond the sort of ‘assault rifles, not assault rifles. It has to do with how can we change the climate so that these people don’t feel this compulsion to do these terrible things…Every person, especially children, deserves the right to feel safe.” [Source: The Messenger] Billie Eilish also released a statement: “As a community of artists, we need to band together to make common sense change.&rdquo. Let's work together to end the gun violence epidemic! Get Bush’s new single “Nowhere To Go but Everywhere” and their new “Greatest Hits” album now available.
BMI Singer-Songwriter/Author-Chief Editor of New Moon Publishing & Consulting
Founder of, Est. 2002
"I need your lovin' like the sunshine. Everybody's gotta learn sometime."
– Beck
Take some time to relax, breathe, and enjoy the beautiful day;
make time to read, learn, and grow, and feel the music!
Get the new music single “Odyssey” by Beck and Phoenix
and celebrate great music and good causes!
Beck & Phoenix Odyssey Tour - photo by Shervin Lainez, NLM
Help cultivate a better world through pet rescue, adoption, and responsible stewardship of all natural creation, including animals. Grammy Award winning artists, Emmylou Harris and Sarah MacLachlan, have paved the way and set great examples for animal welfare; Emmylou Harris created BONAPARTE’S RETREAT PET ADOPTION to rescue unadoptable dogs from the Nashville Humane Association, and Sarah MacLachlan has been a spokesperson and leading advocate for animal welfare with support of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ( ever since the ‘90’s with charitable support from proceeds of the historic Lilith Fair tours that she organized in support of ASPCA and other charities.
Volunteer – Donate – Vote. Join us with Artist for Action![LEARN MORE HERE.]
AUTISM SPEAKS & the Annual Light Up the Blues Concert has been supported by many artists including Ryan Adams, Neil Young, CSNY, Beck, Jack Black, Sheryl Crow, and more. Autism Speaks dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions. See the Annual Light Up the Blues concert and support the cause. Learn more about it and give support here.
CHARLIE & KATHLEEN DUNNERY CHILDREN'S FUND (UK) is a foundation that provides grants to benefit services and support for children and adolescents in the Lake District, Cumbria UK. CKDCF is the main philanthropic cause of Francis Dunnery, known for his solo work and It Bites, as well as working as a guitarist for Robert Plant, Ian Brown, Lauryn Hill, Santana, and more. CKDCF is also supported by many artists including Robert Plant, Chris Difford, John & Wayne, Hootie & the Blowfish/Darius Rucker, and others.>Learn more about it and give support here..
CHILDHELP USA Seal supports Childhelp USA, one of the oldest and largest US non-profits dedicated to the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect. The organization provides programs for the physical, emotional, spiritual, and educational needs of abused and neglected children. Seal shared proceeds from one of his past US tours and donated it to Childhelp USA. Learn more about Childhelp USA and give support here.
THE CIRCLE (The Circle of Women) founded by Annie Lennox, The Circle brings global feminists together to fight for a fairer world for women and girls around the world; it’s a space for creative ideas, connections, and the opportunity to create change for equal rights and equal opportunities for women and girls. Learn more about The Circle and get involved here.
FOR OTHERS Endorsed by NeedtoBreathe and Judah & the Lion with their support on The Caves World Tour promoting the NeedtoBreath new album "Caves" and new collaborative single with Judah & the Lion "Dreams", For Others helps at risk families and children. Learn more about For Others and get involved here.
HOUSING WORKS, a nonprofit organization to provide housing, job training, health care, and other services for homeless New Yorkers with HIV and AIDS was brought to our awareness by Ryan Adams with his benefit concert in January 2003. Visit Housing Works Used Book & Cafe in Soho, NY at 126 Crosby St and other thrift store locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn where 100% of proceeds go to Housing Works. Go for the books, music, coffee and more at Housing Works Bookstore, SoHo-NY. Learn more about it and give support here.
JANIE'S FUND was created by Steven Tyler of Aerosmith in partnership with Youth Villages to bring hope and healing to girls who have suffered the trauma of abuse and neglect; they help girls though holistic, trauma-informed, evidence-based approaches of care and works to build a stable, loving family around each child.Learn more about it and give support here.
Robert Plant & the Strange Sensation, while on tour with their record Mighty Rearranger performed in Europe for the Nelson Mandela Foundation and recognizing the gravity of conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa, encourages learning to create a greater personal awareness and recommends support for the following organizations – learn more about them and give support here:
THE MILAGRO FOUNDATION based in Northern CA was established by Carlos Santana. Milagro (Miracle) is a charitable foundation that supports underrepresented and underprivileged children and youth in the areas of arts, education and health. The foundation makes grants to community-based grass-roots organizations that work with under resourced children and youth around the world, especially those at risk and disadvantaged due to such factors as poor health, illiteracy, or insufficient educational and cultural opportunities. Learn more about it and give support here.
OXFAM is a confederation of 12 organizations working together in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice as part of a global citizens movement campaigning on such issues as Fair Trade, Debt relief, Education for all, and Access to medicine, and is supported by many artists including, Coldplay, Oasis, Keane, and more. "Make Trade Fair." Learn more about it and give support here.
SAFE NEST Support with GRACE & THE MIDNIGHT ANGEL; Safe Nest has been saving lives of women, families, and animals since 1977; Safe Nest supports the vision of a world where domestic violence is not tolerated and provides relief and shelter for individuals and animals under abusive conditions. Learn more about it and give support here. You ROCK for LEARNING about it!
TEENAGE CANCER TRUST & TEEN CANCER AMERICA. The main cause of The Who and Roger Daltrey, and supported by The Who and friends through the Annual TCT Benefit at Royal Albert Hall. Supporting performers also include Coldplay, Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, Doves, Madness, and more. Learn more about it and share support here.
TIGER WOODS FOUNDATION actively encourages and promotes parental responsibility and involvement in the lives of children and celebrate the spirit of inclusion in all aspects of human existence. The Tiger Woods Foundation has been actively supported and endorsed through the annual Tiger Jam benefit concerts over the years with artists such as, Seal, Third Eye Blind, Hootie & the Blowfish, John Mellencamp, Joe Walsh, Don Henley, Train, LeAnne Rimes, Prince, and many more. Recommended Reading: "Start Something - You Can Make a Difference" by Earl Woods & The Tiger Woods Foundation. Learn more about it and give support here.
YOUTHCARE.ORG, supported by Pearl Jam and Eddie Vedder, works to end youth homelessness and ensure that young people are valued for who they are and empowered to achieve their potential. Learn more about it and give support here. Pearl Jam supports a multitude of charitable organizations with their Vitology Foundation.
THE WOMAD FOUNDATION, inspired by Peter Gabriel's love for music around the world, is a registered educational charity established in 1983. Through festivals, performance events, recorded releases and educational projects, its constituted aim is to promote, maintain, improve and advance education in world cultures, whilst seeking to excite and inform audiences of the worth and potential of a multi-cultural society. WOMAD, The World of Arts Music and Dance created by Peter Gabriel and one of the longest established cultural events in the world, hosts an annual world music festival to support the cause. Learn more about the WOMAD Foundation and give support here, and join one of the WOMAD festivals world-wide. Explore for dates, locations, and details.
12 MILLION DOG MARCH - The Reidel & Cody Fund helps to save lives and treat pets that have cancer. Join Aerosmith, Cheap Trick and others in support of the Riedel & Cody Fund. Plus, Cheap Trick front man ROBIN ZANDER donated the proceeds from his song "EVERY DOG HAS IT'S DAY" to support the cause. Learn more about it, give support, and adopt a pet here.
THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ( was the first humane society to be established in North America, and is currently one of the largest in the world providing anti-cruelty programs and support for animal welfare with emphasis on providing effective meansfor the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the USA. Join Sarah McLachlan, Grace & the Midnight Angel, Sheryl Crow, Indigo Girls, Lisa Loeb, and others in support of animal welfare. Learn more about it and give support here.
BONAPARTE'S RETREAT PET ADOPTION, founded by artist Emmylou Harris, was created to rescue unadoptable dogs from the Nashville Humane Association with focus and attention to those neglected and forgotten – senior dogs, large dogs, or dogs in need of imminent medical care by fostering and providing no-kill shelter and care for as long as it takes to find their forever home. Learn more about it, donate, and adopt a pet here.
NATIONAL RESOURCE DEFENSE COUNCIL (NRDC) confronts the climate crisis and protects the wildlife and wild places of the planet, ensuring the rights of all people to have clean air, clean water, and healthy communities. The Rolling Stones support action to protect the Earth's environment from global warming. Got the moves like Jagger? Start me up and never stop! Turn up the heat on global warming and take action to raise awareness and create change to preserve Earth's resources. Learn more about it and get involved here.
SONGBIRD FOUNDATION, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that educates and motivates people to make sustainable choices to preserve migratory songbirds. One of the greatest threats to migratory songbirds is the surge in aggressive sun-grown coffee. In Latin America, coffee has traditionally been grown under the canopy of the rain forest, and a majority of the remaining regional rain forest is on coffee farms. The current campaign goals are focused on raising awareness among coffee consumers, retailers, growers and distributors of the effect of sun-grown coffee on the songbirds and the rain forest on which they depend for essential habitat. Supported by John Mayer, Bonnie Raitt, Nickelcreek and more.Learn about it here. Click in for details, concert review and new photos!
THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S TRUST FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, a charity which aims to encourage young people's understanding of the environment and of the need for sustainability. Learn about it here.To support this effort The Who created a limited edition "Encore Series" Live CD in 2002 (now sold out).
THE BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC, a nonprofit institution, was founded by pianist/arranger and MIT- trained engineer Lawrence Berk in 1945 as Schillinger House of Music. Located in Boston, Mass. Berklee offers the finest music education in the world. Did you know... David Bowie, Sting, James Taylor, Billy Joel, Natalie Cole, Pat Metheny, Dizzy Gillespie, Bonnie Raitt, Carly Simon, Tito Puente, Sarah Vaughn, and John Mayer are but only a few of the great musicians who have graduated from Berklee. And most recently in 2003, Aerosmith's Steven Tyler earned an honorary doctorate in Music. Berk changed the name to Berklee School of Music in 1954, and the school granted its first bachelor's degrees in 1966. Learn about it here.
Contact their scholarships department at or go to for more.
THE HOOTIE & THE BLOWFISH FOUNDATIONwas established in 2000 to create an endowment that benefits children of South Carolina through education and supports school music programs nationwide. Learn about it here.
See Hootie Golf! Click in for the Annual pictures and good Hootie music, and read more about the M.A.M. here at
GLOBAL CITIZEN, organized by The Global Poverty Project in 2012 to end extreme global poverty, expanded its mission to end global poverty, as well as demand equity and defend the planet. Join together with the multitude of artists in support of this cause, including Coldplay, Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Foo Fighters, The Black Keys, Lauryn Hill, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Maneskin. Metallica, Billie Eilish, Lorde, Ed Sheeran, GreenDay, Pearl Jam, Cyndi Lauper, Muse, Kings of Leon, John Mayer, No Doubt, and more. Please join us and make a commitment to take action to help the cause of Global Citizen. Learn more about it and get involved here
THE MAKE YOURSELF FOUNDATION founded by INCUBUS to fund various causes and charities both locally and around the world. Incubus is concentrating their efforts on the environment and the arts and they hope to make some substantial contributions in that area. Learn about it here.
PROVIDE RELIEF FOR THE "AMERICAN BLUES" & ACTIVATE SUPPORT WITH PETE YORN supporting causes for At- Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Children, Family/Parent Support, Hunger, Mental Challenges, and Poverty through organizations such as:,,,,,, EnergyAction Coalition, and fight for social justice with Pete Yorn and Axis of Justice (System of a Down-Serj Tankijian, Rage Against the Machine/Audioslave-Tom Morello and friends.). . You ROCK for LEARNING about it!
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - MUSIC FOR HUMAN RIGHTS - Amnesty International is a global campaign to end abuses of human rights, including taking action against injustice and activating legislation against oppressive laws, and is supported by many artists, including Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Coldplay, Axis of Justice, and more! Learn more about it and get involved here.
TIBET NEEDS YOUR HELP AGAINST ABUSE & ANNIHILATION free Tibet from the total extinction of their country by the Chinese Government. Please join JOE WALSH, INCUBUS/BRANDON BOYD, Producer/Director RAY IPPOLITO and friends in support of this Tibetan Freedom cause. Write to government officials to protect human rights and TIBETAN FREEDOM NOW or NEVER: FREE TIBET [See the video here] and LEARN MORE about it. You ROCK for LEARNING about it!
GET MUSIC... support for WAR CHILD!
WAR CHILD ANNOUNCE "HEROES" AN INCREDIBLE BENEFIT ALBUM FEATURING EXCLUSIVE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM various artists including BECK doing a cover of Bob Dylans "Leopard Skin Pill Box Hat", and DUFFY covering McCartney's "Live & Let Die". SIR PAUL McCARTNEY said "I have been supporting War Child since 1995. Their work with children in war zones saves lives and their work with those who take decisions that help them to do something about it saves even more lives. I think Duffy’s version of Live and Let Die is great - I was really impressed. The breadth of talent on this project is amazing; it’s great that so many people gave their time, energy and support to this initiative. I urge everyone to support War Child."
Proceeds benefit War Child, an award winning charity that provides humanitarian assistance to war-affected children in some of the most devastated regions of the world. Also, available through Download the special RADIOHEAD Jonny Greenwood remix of "Go To Sleep" recorded live in Japan 2004 for .99 cents. Also get the album to help children of the Bosnian War is available in stores featuring COLDPLAY, OASIS, BLUR, RADIOHEAD, KEANE, SUEDE and more. Click in and LEARN MORE at plus access more music to support the War Child cause! You ROCK for LEARNING about it!
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